Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hvasså? (Letter from Katherine - 03/24/2014

Hello my dear Family,

I just have to tell you that last week while we were eating dinner at a members house the son was looking at his phone and then he asked me if my first name was Katherine. I told him yes and he then told me that he had found my blog. haha I thought that was kind of funny and a Little bit creepy. I just hope that my letters that you post on the blog are passende;)

So pretty much this week hasn't been too exciting. Last Monday was Sister Bishop's birthday, so it was fun to celebrate it with her. I made her baked oatmeal for breakfast! Her mom sent her a bunch of birthday decorations so we decked out the Apartment. It was fun. We also did some shopping, and guess what? I bought some new shoes! They are crocs!! yeah, that's right. Crocs!! They don't look like crocs at all though. They're actually pretty cute and super comfy. How about that? We had dinner at a members house and it was a lot of fun. 

Tuesday we had Ward council and it was the first Ward council I've been to since being in this area. Holy cow. This Ward is very missionary minded and it's pretty exciting. I remember last general conference feeling a sense of urgency because the Lord really is hastening his Work before his coming. Sitting in Ward council I sensed that same feeling of Urgency. It's kind of hard to explain, but it's just like okay, we all really need to get to Work, because it's happening! The missionaries were only supposed to take about 10 minutes to talk about the people we are working with and such, but those 10 minutes turned into about an hour of the Ward leaders asking questions and giving suggestions. I loved it. When the missionaries were about to leave so the leaders could continue on with the rest of the meeting, the Bishop asked everyone to think about why it took so much time to talk about missionary Work. I loved it.

Wednesday we went to visit a Young man WHO we had giving a book of mormon to the week before. We get to his Apartment and guess what? He had read the Whole book of mormon! It was awesome. I was surprised that he wasn't ready to be baptized right then and there because the book of mormon is so true!! He unfortunately wasn't too interested in us coming back, but we won't give up on him that easy. It was pretty crazy though, because it's not every day that you meet someone WHO reads the Book of Mormon in a week.

Later that evening we taught two Guys from Africa Danish. It was pretty fun. At one point I got the giggles pretty bad. Danish is a very hard language and I had forgotten how hard it is when you are first trying to learn it.

Friday we were able to meet with Jette. She is awesome. She really is so prepared to recieve the gospel, but teaching her takes time. I'm learning to be patient. Sometimes it's really hard as a missionary...or as a normal person for that matter, because we just want Things to happen now! We were able to meet her 10 year old son though and he is so so sweet.

Natalia is awesome. We talked to her about tithing and fasting. She was super accepting of tithing and is looking forward to fasting. She comes from Krim... I think that's what it's called, The Island that is now Russia, and she is not very happy about what has been going on. It's a crazy World that we live in, isn't it?

I was able to meet Ellen this week. She is in her 60s and the sisters met her on the street. She is awesome and she has a cat named phiona. She asked if I had a cat and when I said yes she asked what it's name was. I told her my cat's name was notoes and she thought that notoes was a mean name. haha but then she said all that matters is that he is loved. :) Anyways, Ellen is very sweet. Teaching her also takes time.

Guess where we had an eating appointment on Sunday? at president and sister Sederholm's house! It was great. It was the first time I had been back in the mission home since like my first day in the land. Being in their Ward is definitly a bonus of this area. Sister Sederholm is awesome and it has been fun getting to know her better.

Well, that's pretty much it for the week. Things are going good. Thank you for your emails, it is always so good to hear from you. I hope you have a wonderful week!

Love Katherine

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