Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sad but blessed week (Letter From Katherine - 01/06/2014)

Hej familie,

It has been kind of a sad week. We found out that Sonia will not be able to be baptized on saturday because of her muslim background. It was pretty discouaging. We have been trying to figure her situation out so we have been on the phone with president kind of  alot. I'm sure he just loves us. haha but one day he called and we just assumed that it was about Sonia. Turns out that Sister Packard will be leaving Esbjerg. I am so sad. Serioiusly, I have always been pretty ready for a change by the time transfers roll around, but not this time. Not even one bit! It's not even real transfers time so we had no idea it was coming. Sister Nuttal will be going home and there is a tri companionship that can be balanced out since she is leaving. So I will be getting Sister Vige. She is from Norway so she can speak Danish very well. I'm excited to have her as a companion, but like i said before I am so sad that I will not be serving with Sister Packard anymore. Remember that lady from fiji I told you about? Her father was baptized 4 years before he died? yeah, well she dropped us. I've had investigators drop us before, but never before has it been so hard for me. I was so excited about her! So there were some pretty big disappointments this week, but one thing that I truly have learned is that trying times are an indication of blessings to come.

Boy, have I seen some amazing blessings this week. Abia (a recent convert who was baptized in July) and Min will both be receiving the priesthood this coming Sunday! this may not seem like big news to you, but for some reason Abia never received the priesthood and he was baptized in July. Sister Packard and I were determined to not let the same thing happen to Min. Well I'm not sure what went down, but bishop told us yesterday that they will both be getting the priesthood on sunday. We are so excited!!!!!!! Bishop also told us about a little girl in the ward who is 9 and hasn't been baptized. He said that her parents wanted her to begin being taught by the missionaries, but they weren't sure if the wanted the elders or the sisters doing the teaching. I had no idea that this little girl had not been baptized yet, and then it dawned one me that Sister Vige knows this little girl because they are both from Norway or something like that. There is some connection with them and being from Norway. So I told Bishop that Sister Vige knows her! and he called the family up right then and there and they were like okay, we will have the sisters teach her. It's just so neat, because the timing is so perfect. The parents of this little girl had no idea that Sister Vige was coming, but they wanted their daughter to begin being taught by the missionaries. It is definitely not a coincidence that Sister Vige will be serving here in Esbjerg at this time.

So a few things that I need to fill you in on. We had our district activity, and yes we did go ice skating. yay!!! some of the elders opted out. lame. but we still had a good time. After ice skating we went to Ribe, which is like the oldest city in Denmark. It was beautiful. Foggy, but beautiful. We went to a really cool church there, and just kind of walked around. We were excited to go to the viking museum, but it was unfortunately closed. It was fun.

New years was super funny. So this man in our ward invited the missionaries to come to his house for new years. We even got to stay out until one. Crazy I know! So this man in our ward, Jens ole Byskov is so cool. I'm exactly sure on the details of this story, but it goes something like this. He loves birds and has been all over the world to see birds. When he was in Napal he met a boy and well, he adopted him. I'm not exactly sure how old the boy was, but he ended up being baptized here in Denmark and then serving a mission in India. ha pretty cool. We had a good time New years eve. They do fireworks like crazy here! The next day we were able to sleep in until 9. yeah, we're living large. and then every missionary in denmark had the opportunity to deep clean their apartment. Holy cow it took forever!

We went to Ana Marie and Min's on monday to do Family home evening with them. They were so so sweet. They found out that members feed us sometimes, so they fed us dinner. It was yummy burmeese and philippino food. I didn't know that the chicken was still on the bones, I thought it was like chicken strips so I put it in my mouth and though wow, this is really crunchy, turns out it was bones. haha since I'm talking about food I will tell you that last night at the BISHOP'S house I accidently ate an alcohol chocolate. The first bit into it I was like oh my gosh this is alcohol and it burned! I panicked so, well I just swallowed it. I didn't want to make a scene but I was like freaking out on the inside. Afterwards I told Sister Packard and she just laughed. it was pretty funny, but also kind of really upsetting. I never would have thought I would be tasting alcohol on my mission! a little bit after I had eaten the chocolate the Bishop's daughter took a few chocolates out of the bowl and threw them away saying that they had alcohol in them. i thought to myself hah, too late :/
Sunday in Sacrament meeting Sister Packard and I were able to play one last time toghether, well atleast one last time for now:) We played a song out of the book that Christina sent me. It has been such a huge blessing being able to play with her. I am so grateful. Christina- the book you sent is awesome by the way. thank you!!!  

So yeah, that's pretty much it I think. I hope you all have a wonderful week. You are always in my prayers. I love you!

Love Katherine   

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