Hello my dear familiy that I love so much!
It has been kind of a crazy week, but so amazing. Ana Marie
and Min were baptzied. It was a wonderful experience, and I can't even express to
you how grateful I am to know them. It was a little hectic trying to get
everything ready for the baptism, but everything worked out just great. Bishop
ended the service with some closing remarks, and he shared a very sweet
experience he had. He talked about how when he went into Ana Marie and Min's
home he felt the spirit strongly and he knew that they were ready to be
baptized. He talked about how he had asked Ana Marie and Min to arrive to the
church before the baptism started so he could explain how things would be
working and for pictures. Well, Ana Marie and Min and their sweet little
children Samantha and Mathew got to the church early. Sister Packard and I were
in another room getting things ready at this point and Ana and the kids must
have been in the bathroom or something, but Bishop walked into the chapel and
he saw Min on his knees praying. I can't even get through writing this without
crying haha. Biskop talked about how it was such a humbling experience. The
spirit was very strong. After the meeting was over min said to me, "We're
on our way back." and I said, "You're leaving already? there's
refreshments." He then said, " No sister, We have entered the gate,
and now we are on the straight and narow. We're on our way back." Ana
Marie told us how she felt clean and like it was a new beginning. They both
felt very good after the baptism, but they knew that it wasn't complete until
they received the gift of the Holy ghost. After being confirmed they were both
so happy. Sister Packard and I taught the Gospel principles class and the
lesson was on the gospel of Jesus Christ. We asked Ana Marie and Min how they
felt. Min said that he knew that Jesus was so happy for him. Ana Marie said
that she has just been praying to know which church is true and that she is so
happy she found it. They both kept saying how happy they were. They are both
just so sweet. I love them! and their kids, oh my goodness their kids!
Cool experience. So Sister Packard and I had not been invted
anywhere for Christmas eve so we were trying to figure out things that we could
do. We were trying to think of what we needed to be doing on Christmas eve but
nothing felt right. It was weird too, because the elders had an appointment on
Christmas eve and we didn't. That never happens. The members just love the
sisters more. haha just kidding....kind of;) Well we went to visit the violin
couple. Remember them? they are the couple that had the violin on their wall
and Sister Packard was able to play it for them. So we went to visit them, and
they invited us to spend Christmas eve with them and their children. How cool
is that? He is an inactive member and his wife and children are not members,
and they invited us over for Christmas eve. It was so kind of them to invite to
missionaries that they hardly know to spend christmas eve with them. We will be
at our Ward mission leaders house on Christmas and he will have skype set up. I
will let you know the details next week.
President Sederholm has talked about how he still wants us
out working on Christmas eve/christmas. Sister Packard and I were thinking it
would be a good idea to go to a plejehjem (old folks home) and spend some time
there visiting the people that will be alone for christmas. If you have
any other ideas I would love to hear them:)
Funny story. okay well Bishop had sent us a text telling us
about a man he was thinking would be Ana Marie and Min's home
teacher. He told us to try and take him out teaching with us, but don't say
anything about him being their home teacher because it was just a thought at
that point. Well we misunderstood the text and called the guy up and said
since you're Ana Marie and Min's home teacher would you like to come to a
lesson at their house with us. haha well he was like what? I haven't heard
anything about that, so we did the best that we could to cover it up, but
sure enough the next day we received a not so happy text from bishop asking us
why we told the an that he was their home teacher. haha we were
really scared of Biskop at that point haha but thank goodness everything
worked out just fine.
Sonia is doing great. Our last lesson with her we
taught the word of wisdom. She smokes and drinks, but she said she was
going to live the word of wisdeom. She hasn't smoked since our last lesson. She
came to church and was able to see Ana Marie and Min be confirmed. She doesn't
understand danish, but she told us that she just has a really good
feeling when she is at church. She is just so great.
I'm trying to think of other things that have happened, but
I think that is about it. Things are going well here in Esbjerg. I'm super
tired! but happy. I so look forward to skyping! I hope you all have
a fantastisk week! love you.
Love Katherine
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