Wednesday we had our transfer meeting. They had all the new missionaries sit on the stand, and then one by one we went up and they had us read who our companions were and where we would be serving. I have three companions. Sister Bierman is my trainer and she is great! I know I will be learning a lot from her. She is from Sandy Utah, and she has been in the mission field for five months. My other companion is Sister Linton. She is from Wyoming and has been in the mission field for four months. It has been interesting seeing how things are done here in Missouri. I'm definitely not in the MTC anymore. My apartment isn't bad, but I don't know what to compare it to since it's my first one. I have been to the sister training leader's apartment though to do laundry and theirs was way nicer. I don't have a problem with mine though. They have a clubhouse where we have access to a gym, so that's nice. The apartment that the Sister training leaders are in has tennis courts, and we are planning on playing some time for p-day. I'm excited and also worried. I have played tennis in forever!
Wednesday was what President Clark calls a nesting day. We went and ran some errands and got me settled. I didn't have the money from the mission so I used my debit card to buy some clothes that would be good for the hot weather, and also some other things that i needed. So don't worry I haven't been spending like crazy. I just barely got the mission money today.
We have a bunch of investigators and it has been a really good experience working with them. We actually have met with ##### and ##### Capone. Yeah, their great uncle is Al Capone...
I wouldn't call them investigators, because they aren't interested in the gospel at all, but they just like to talk, and talk, and talk, and talk.
I wouldn't call them investigators, because they aren't interested in the gospel at all, but they just like to talk, and talk, and talk, and talk.
We walked to church on Sunday, and it was pretty hot. The church is four miles away from our apartment, so it was 8 miles there and back. We would have driven, but we didn't have enough miles on our car because Saturday night we had to drive to the ward mission leader's home to meet with him, and he lives pretty far away. We have a really big area.
3 of the wards in the stake had a 5k and picnic yesterday, so that was fun. I ran the 5k woot woot! I kind of left my companions in the dust...oops.. don't worry though, the A.P. was there and he said it was fine. haha afterwards they had a picnic, and that was fun but the ward just isn't very friendly. So my advice to you is love the missionaries! make them feel good, and help them!
So, all in all, it has been kind of rough. It's okay though i'm happy and trying my best. I love all of you so much! Thank you for everything!
Love Katherine